About Us

Why the name FENIX THREADS?

The name FENIX THREADS stems from a mythological folklore Phoenix which is a bird with power. One of the bird’s power consist within its tears; it held the power to heal any wound or illness. The Phoenix had the ability to turn its entire body into flames, so when it flew during the day, some perceived its brightness as being the sun itself. What it’s most notarized for is its immorality. However, after about 500 years or so, when it realized its end was near, it built a nest of cinnamon, sage, and myrrh. Then it burned itself, leaving behind only its ashes. From the pile of ashes, a new Phoenix was born; it represents transformation, death and rebirth. The powerful bird is an ultimate symbol of renewal, resurrection, strength.

Who are we?

FENIX THREADS is a unisex apparel company for individuals who face adversity and still rise above. We are a brand that administers confidence, courage, and hope. We deliver greater value over our competition because of the sentiment our trendy spirited assortment gives to consumers.

Mission Statement

Rising above adversity with style.

Vision Statement

We strive to be a global leader in streetwear by inspiring consumers to ascend from adversity fashionably. 

Parallel to the mythological bird, FENIX THREADS the brand is all about overcoming darkness and rising above all challenges to become powerful. One who sports FENIX is a representation of surpassing all adversity that they’ve overcame throughout their life. Wearing FENIX embodies courage, confidence, and faith.